Wednesday, September 26, 2012

33 Weeks & My Water broke!

My water broke!  We went to the local hospital in Estherville just to be safe, thinking we would do a few tests and be sent home in a matter of 20 minutes.  Dr ended up confirming that my water did rupture so we were sent up to Sioux Falls, South Dakota to Avera McKennan Hospital where they have more resources for premie babies.  We have received a few more answers, but not everything is clear yet ( when is it ever? ).  I have to have antibiotics through an IV to prevent infection since the barrier is broken.  I get steroids to help strengthen baby's lungs.  We DID pick out a name for him, finally, but we're not telling until he is born.   I have been going in and out of contractions but nothing significant or consistent yet.  Baby could be here any time from now on if he decides to, but we are trying to keep him in there as long as possible.  The longest we can put off labor due to risk of infection and other complications is 12 days, which would mean I would get induced at 34 weeks and we would have baby on 10/8/12.  Unfortunately, they need to monitor me continuously due to high risk so we will be in the hospital until the baby is born.  If he is born earlier rather than later, we can expect to be staying in the NICU for at least five weeks due to his poor lung development.  I am nervous about being able to finish my classes and everything happening so fast and so suddenly.  I am trying not to be anxious but I am concerned about baby's health.  We are both a little nervous but since it is all out of our control, there's not use in freaking out.  Please send prayers our way!  We will keep you updated the best we can.  

1 comment:

  1. We love you! Sensing our thoughts and prayers to you guys! Please let us know if there's anything we can do to help out!
