Sunday, September 30, 2012

Baby Update

We just got home from the hospital in Sioux Falls, South Dakota.  I didn't expect to be home so soon, but it is for the best.  They do not have very many  resources available in the smaller hospital so I am super glad we went.  My water did break on Tuesday and I was going in and out of labor for quite some time.  I received lots of antibiotics to prevent infection and steroids in order to develop baby's lungs as quickly as possible.  We didn't sleep whatsoever and it was hard not to be nervous.  We were told that we would be up there for at least 7 weeks and our son would be in the NICU for a long time.  The only thing keeping our sanity was the fact that we were going to meet our son any day!  We did tons of tests, I was poked way too many times for my liking, and since my "veins are too small", the IVs were extremely painful.  I was pretty much stabilized by Wednesday, but they had to keep me to monitor baby and the health of us both.  Because I was put on bed rest and the tear was small enough, my body was able to heal itself and begin retaining amniotic fluids again once contractions stopped.  I went from 4cm of fluid to a healthy 14!  I had no idea that was even possible.  Although this is the best possible outcome because it allows baby to grow and develop longer, it was still sad to go home without him.  It has been emotionally exhausting (in addition to the lack of sleep) to be on either extreme of the scenario-spectrum so quickly, but it is good to be home.  I have to be extremely careful, and watch for any more leaks.  The doctors call to check up on me and I am still considered a high risk pregnancy.  Andrew is doing a great job of taking care of me and baby, and there is still a chance baby may come early.  Poor kid is running out of room!  We are all doing well and are just hoping to make it though most of October.  And next time we will be much more prepared!  Thank you so much for all your prayers, messages, and thoughts while we were in the hospital.  Hopefully next time we will have baby pictures when we leave :)

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